Captain Solomon-هاشور

Captain Solomon

25 minute


+16 |

Iran |

subtitles: No Subtitle

The documentary "Captain Solomon" is about Solomon, the captain of a ship sitting on salt in one of the ports of Urmia Lake, who engaged in farming after the lake dried up. Agriculture is being transformed and destroyed under the influence of the lake crisis, and it is a work that has no future under the influence of the Lake Urmia crisis. Unfortunately, the gradual drying up of Lake Urmia has affected the agriculture of the people of this region. Local winds also cause fine dust on the lake to settle on agricultural products. Captain Solomon's farm is no exception to this rule. After the drying up of Lake Urmia, he is now facing the risk of losing his agricultural products. This documentary actually shows the pain and suffering of the people of Urmia Lake.


Saadat Ali Saeedpour, Documentary and Experimental Cinema Development Center


Saadat Ali Saeedpour


Saadat Ali Saeedpour

Camera Man:

Massoud Vatankhah


Hadi Amini


Hassan Salmani


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